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CDL Training Near Salt Lake City

Truck Driving Around Salt Lake City

There are many benefits to starting your career in Salt Lake City, including a cost of living that is 7% lower than the national average, which could make a truck driving job worth the training. Major highways in this area include I-215 and State Route 201, which you may need to familiarize yourself with, as you could be driving them quite often. Also, with Salt Lake being between the coast and the Midwest, it is often a hotbed for transportation routes, so there will probably be jobs available in the area. Major employers in this area include Pride Transport Inc., Harrington Trucking Inc., and C.R. England Inc.

Let’s put you in the driver’s seat starting right now! Contact these schools to learn more about their approach to truck driver training!

CDL Training in Salt Lake City

If you’re looking for a truck driving school in Salt Lake City, you have come to the right place. AllTrucking.com was built to help you get the CDL training you need to get to trucking. Use this page to find truck driving schools and diesel mechanic schools in your area. Our specialty is helping prospective students hit the road and find jobs they actually enjoy. Life’s too short to be unhappy with your career, so let’s get your new transportation career started today!

There are a number of CDL training schools in Salt Lake City that can provide you with an education in the trucking industry. The average cost of tuition is $3,170 and the average scholarship award is $1,612 for those who qualify. Many schools have small class sizes, including AAA Truck Driver Training, C.R. England Inc., and Mountain West Commercial Driving School that may allow you personal training so you can get everything out of your course.

What to Look for in Truck Driver Training

Some schools guarantee you a job after graduation. If you get your training at C.R. England, you are guaranteed a job after graduation if you meet their hiring requirements, so that might be something to consider when choosing a school. There a number of additional criteria to consider when choosing truck driving school. One of the biggest is cost: is the school with in your financial reach, do they offer financial aid, do they have companies that hire from the school with tuition reimbursement?

Another thing to think about is the type of driver you want to be. Does the school offer Class-B CDLs as well as Class-A CDLs? It is important because you may only want to be a bus driver, so a Class-B is what you are looking for, but perhaps you want to be an over the road (OTR) driver, in which you will need a Class-A. Also, be sure to ask each school if they offer training on certain endorsements like HazMat or two/three-trailer because those are often in demand with employers and could help you land a job more easily, as well as a possible higher paycheck.

Finally, talk to the admissions representative to find out what a day in the life is for their truck driving school. Are you going to be training on roads just in the Salt Lake City area or are you going to do some overnight trips? Do they allow you to rent a truck for your licensing test? What are the hours like, and what is an average day like? What are their pass rates, and do they have connections with companies that have hired from their school before that could help you get a job upon graduation? These are all important to consider because your ultimate goal is to get a job as a truck driver, and the school that is going to get you to that goal the quickest and easiest is the school you want to attend.

The key to finding the right CDL training school is comparing several that interest you. Also, make sure you write down all your questions and review them with each school you speak with. Their job is to serve you, and make sure you have the skills you need to get the job you want. Tell them what kinds of routes you want to drive and hours you want to work. Don’t be shy! They want to hear from you.

Salt Lake City truck drivers can earn salaries as the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports at a median income of $41,580 per year. The average salary reported for light truck drivers is $31,580 per year (BLS, 2013).

CDL Training Near Salt Lake City

Apex Trucking - Salt Lake City

Bridgerland Technical College - Logan

College of Eastern Utah - Price

Dixie Technical College - Saint George

Mountain West Commercial Driving School - Salt Lake City

Mountainland Technical College - Lehi

Pride Transport - Salt Lake City

Prime - Salt Lake City

RTDS Trucking School - West Valley City

Sage Truck Driving School - Sandy

Salt Lake Community College - Salt Lake City

Snow College - Ephraim

Snow College - Richfield

Southwest Technical College - Cedar City

Swift Transportation - West Valley City

Tooele Applied Tech College - Tooele

Uintah Basin Technical College - Roosevelt

Uintah Basin Technical College - Vernal

Utah State University - South Blanding

Utah Truck Driving School - West Valley City

Utah Trucking Academy - Salt Lake City

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