CDL Training Near Sweetwater
In the city of Sweetwater, the cost of living is 26% below the national average. Over 10,000 people live in this city. Texas State Highway 70 is the main trucking route in this area. Local employers include Dent Truck Lines, Lone Star Transportation, and West Texas Pure Gold.The city of Sweetwater can be a great place to live if you want to become a diesel mechanic. Diesel mechanics are responsible for the upkeep and repair of large trucks and other vehicles. Sweetwater is home to Texas State Technical College, a two-year school with a diesel technology program. The average tuition cost is $5,148 and the average scholarship award is $1,250.
As a student in the diesel technology program, you can take a variety of courses. Course options include Basic Hydraulics, Electronic Controls, Power Train, and Diesel Engine Testing. You can also work with major employers in the area.