CDL Training Near Beaumont
There are currently over 118,000 people living in Beaumont, enjoying the city’s low cost of living. Local highways include Highway 90 and Texas State Highway 105. Some of the biggest trucking employers are D.S. Carriers, Central Freight Lines, and Miller Transporters Inc.Starting a career in the trucking industry of Texas is easy if you live in Beaumont. This area is home to two schools, one with a trucking program and one with a diesel technology program. The average cost of tuition in Beaumont is $3,915, offset by the average scholarship award of $714.
The amount of time you spend in school will depend on which career path you decide to follow. A diesel technology degree at Lamar Institute of Technology takes between one and two years. A Certificate of Completion takes one year and an Associate’s degree takes two years.Those who begin truck driving careers in Beaumont may earn more if they drive heavy trucks. Heavy truck drivers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, earn an average salary of $36,620 each year. The median salary for light truck drivers is $29,410 (BLS, 2013).