CDL Training Near Homer City
Homer City is known for its very low cost of living. The current population is about 1,700 people. Some of the biggest trucking companies in this area are On Site Transport, Wright Motor Lines, and Elgin Trucking. They may require you to drive local highways like Highway 56 and Highway 119.Whether you want to become a local truck driver that stays in the state of Pennsylvania or an over-the-road driver that may drive all over the country, you may need to start your new career with a thorough education from a local trucking school. PIA Truck Driving Program is the only truck driving school in Homer City, offering several types of programs to students.
A Class B may be the shorter option; you can often earn a Class B license in about two weeks of full-time study. If you want to earn a Class A license, it’s likely that you’ll spend up to eight weeks in school.