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CDL Training Near Eugene

Pursue Truck Driver or Diesel Mechanic Training in Eugene

Ready to start your trucking industry education? There are two Eugene schools that can help you get started, including one dedicated truck driving school and one community college. The average cost of tuition in this area is $3,682, making your education very affordable. Even better, the average scholarship award is $1,523.

Choose the Right CDL Training Program in Eugene for You

There are several types of diesel technology education, so it’s important to pick a school that offers the program that you need. At Lane Community College, you can complete a two-year certificate that provides several hundred hours of hands-on experience. You may also be able to earn endorsements that top companies look for, such as multiple, double or triple trailer, HazMat, and more!

The Trucking Industry Outlook in Eugene

As you begin your education and career, there are some roads you should get familiar with, including Oregon Route 126 and Highway 36. You may be able to work for large employers like Mc Cracken Motor Freight, Green Line Enterprises, and Con-Way Freight. The cost of living in Eugene is on par with the national average.

Trucking professionals in Eugene that drive heavy trucks earn a median income of $36,020 per year, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The median salary for light truck drivers is $34,110 per year (BLS, 2013).

Don’t wait to purse top-quality truck driver or diesel mechanic training in Eugene. Contact the schools below to request information today!

CDL Training Near Eugene

160 Driving Academy - Creswell

Umpqua Community College - Roseburg

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