CDL Training Near Medina
Medina has lots of city amenities and small-town safety, with a population of 26,500 people. Residents enjoy a fairly low cost of living. Highways in Medina include U.S. Highway 42 and U.S. Highway 20. Albrecht Trucking, Krakowski Trucking, and Valley Hino Truck are some of the biggest trucking employers.Are you looking to start a career in the trucking industry, one of the most promising fields in the Midwest? If you live in the city of Medina, you can attend one truck driving school: Hamrick School. There are many financial aid options at this school, including loans, grants, and scholarships.
The truck driving program at Hamrick School offers classes that start on a monthly basis. They also have lots of services for their trucking students. An annual career fair makes it easy for new trucking graduates to find a job after graduation. The school also offers year-round career services.