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CDL Training Near Columbus

Receive CDL Training in Columbus

The training you get in Columbus can help you learn how to drive a straight truck or tractor-trailer while working toward a Class A or Class B driver’s license. Both schools in Columbus start off with a comprehensive period of classroom training. You can learn about Ohio driving laws, master the parts of a truck, and learn about what’s expected of you while you’re on the road. You work one-on-one with a driving instructor when you get behind the wheel of a truck. This part of your training can really show you what it’s like to work as a truck driver on the open road!

Attend Trucking Driving School in Columbus, Ohio

Considering a career as a truck driver? If you start your career in Columbus, it could take you anywhere. You might drive all around the state, explore other parts of the Midwest, or even drive across the country. Ohio has two truck driving schools that can help you get the training and education you need to work in the trucking industry. Check out our comprehensive listings to find out more!

Find Top Truck Driving Jobs in Columbus Ohio

Trucking salaries in Columbus depend largely on what type of truck you drive and how much experience you have. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that light truck drivers earn an average salary of $34,580 per year. Tractor-trailer drivers get an average salary of $39,550 per year (BLS, 2013). To add to that, the cost of living in Columbus is almost 10% lower than the national average, making it a fairly affordable place to live.

There are quite a few large trucking employers in Columbus. Local companies include A&R Transport, C.R. England, and Roadrunner Transportation Systems. You may travel local routes like Interstate 270, Interstate 670, and Interstate 71 while traveling in this city.

It’s obvious that trucking can be a great industry to work in, so what are you waiting for? Get started today!

CDL Training Near Columbus

Capital Transportation Academy - Columbus

Columbus Truck Driving School - Columbus

Hocking College - Nelsonville

Knight Transportation - Columbus

Southern State Community College - Piketon

Southern State Community College - Piketon

Southern State Community College - Washington Court House

Swift Transportation - Columbus

Unique Services Logistics Career Academy - Columbus

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