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CDL Training Near Bowling Green

Truck Driving Schools in Bowling Green

There’s one trucking school in Bowling Green: Kentucky Tech Truck Driver Training. You’ll want to contact the school and learn more about their course schedule to choose a class that fits into your schedule. As a trucking student, you can get all the book knowledge and practical knowledge you need to take your CDL test and get a commercial driver’s license! AllTrucking.com suggests contacting Kentucky Tech Truck Driver Training if you’re interested in a Class A or Class B driver’s license.

Start Your Trucking Career at a CDL School in Bowling Green

Bowling Green, one of the biggest cities in Kentucky, could be a great place to start your new truck driving career. Whether you want to drive over-the-road, locally, or regionally, you may be able to get the training you need in Bowling Green. There’s one trucking school in this area. Learn more about the truck driving industry in Bowling Green and then contact your local school to take the first step.

Trucking Careers in Bowling Green

Starting your career in Bowling Green can help you enjoy the low cost of living in this area. In Bowling Green, the cost of living is 12% below the national average. Trucking salaries in this region vary for light truck drivers and heavy truck drivers. Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, light truck drivers earn an average of $32,310 per year. Those who drive tractor-trailers earn an average salary of $35,910 per year (BLS, 2013).

Driving in Bowling Green may take you onto major local routes like Interstate 65, U.S. Route 31, U.S. Route 231, and Kentucky State Route 80. This area is home to many significant employers, including Swift Transportation, West Side Transport, Averitt Express Inc., and Summitt Trucking LLC.

If you are ready to start looking into a truck driving career and shape your own future, now is the time. Get started by contacting a Bowling Green trucking school.

CDL Training Near Bowling Green

International Truck Driving School - Bowling Green

Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College - Bowling Green