CDL Training Near Dixon
Dixon is a mid-sized city with about 15,400 residents. Its cost of living is a full 20% below the national average. U.S. Highway 52 and U.S. Highway 30 go through this area. Local trucking employers include ADM Trucking, Book Trucking, CAT Hauling and Excavating, and Ryder Integrated Logistics.The trucking industry in the Midwest has seen considerably growth in recent years, leading to a growing need for truck drivers and other transportation professionals. If you’re interested in starting a trucking career in Dixon, you can look into Sauk Valley Community College. The average cost of tuition in this area is $8,406 and the average scholarship award is $2,442.
You can earn a truck driving certificate to prepare for licensure as a commercial truck driver. Classes run Monday through Friday during the daytime. You can complete your education in less than one semester of full-time study.