CDL Training Near Canton
Canton may be one of the most affordable cities in Illinois, as its cost of living is 18% below the national average. Illinois State Highway 78 and County Highway 16 are important trucking routes. Local trucking companies include Davis Sand and Gravel, Vohland Trucking, and Chuck Kinsel Trucking.Truck driving is a very flexible career. You can become a local driver and stay in Illinois, or become an over-the-road driver and travel around the country. You can drive a straight truck with a Class B license or a tractor-trailer with a Class A license. Spoon River College, a school with an average tuition cost of $7,470 and an average scholarship award of $1,185, is the only trucking school in Canton.
There are two training options at Spoon River College. You can complete a 10-credit basic certificate or a comprehensive 17-credit certificate. You can generally complete your training in about one semester.