CDL Training Near Grovetown
The population of Grovetown is currently 12,210 people, but it is growing rapidly. Many important highways run through the city, including I-20, Gordon Highway, and Old Augusta Highway. Some of the most prominent trucking employers include Averitt Express, FTI, Transagri, and BHC Hauling.Thanks to Georgia’s busy trucking industry, there are many career opportunities out there for people who are willing to drive a tractor-trailer. If you are ready to become a truck driver and take advantage of these opportunities, you can attend CSRA Transportation in Grovetown. This school runs small truck driving classes that allow you to get a comprehensive classroom education. Of course, you also spend plenty of time getting familiar with a tractor-trailer.
There are multiple financial aid opportunities in Grovetown. You may be able to apply for federal financial aid, including grants and loans. Your employer may reimburse you for your educational costs.Those who drive light trucks and delivery trucks in this area earn a median salary of $29,450 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). Heavy truck drivers earn an average of $41,160 annually (BLS, 2013).