CDL Training Near West Sacramento
West Sacramento may be one of the best cities for new truckers in California, since the cost of living is 17% lower than the California average. Major employers in this area include Oak Harbor Freight Lines and Mountain Valley Express. The trucking industry relies on large area highways, including I-80 Business and California State Route 275.
Get Rolling with Top Truck Driving Schools in West Sacramento
If you want options, we have good news! There are four truck driving schools in Sacramento that can help you start your truck driving or diesel mechanic career. Three schools offer small class sizes and flexible programs for working adults: California Truck School, West Sacramento Trucking School, and Western Truck School. The average scholarship award in this area is $4,050, so your education can be very inexpensive. If you are looking for CDL training in Sacramento, now is your time to make the next move!
Training Programs That Can Be Completed Quickly
You can complete your truck driving or diesel mechanic training very quickly in this area. At Western Truck School, you can finish your Class B training in one week or your Class A training in four to eight weeks. You can also ask them about other endorsements, such as HazMat, that you can earn with their courses. Just think, in weeks – not months – you can be on the road to success behind the wheel of a big rig!
Truck Driving in West Sacramento
West Sacramento may be one of the best cities for new truckers in California, since the cost of living is 17% lower than the California average. Major employers in this area include Oak Harbor Freight Lines and Mountain Valley Express. The trucking industry relies on large area highways, including I-80 Business and California State Route 275.
Trucking salaries in West Sacramento are fairly similar for heavy truck and light truck drivers. The average annual salary for a tractor-trailer driver is $39,650 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). Light truck drivers in this area earn an average of $37,110 per year (BLS, 2013).