CDL Training Near Salida
The cost of living in Salida is 12% below the statewide average, benefiting Salida’s 13,000 residents. Highways like California State Highway 99 and California State Highway 219 serve this area. Trucking companies in this area include B & B Trucking, Vella Trucking, and Oehninger Trucking.If you’re considering a career in truck driving, you could be just a few weeks away from a new job. When you live in the city of Salida, you can look into Truck Nation School, the one trucking school in this area.
There are three trucking programs at Truck Nation School. The introductory course lasts just 64 hours, and it includes skills training and road training. The advanced program is 160 hours, and it includes various endorsements, extreme driving conditions, night driving, and accident procedures. There is also a 20-hour refresher course for those that simply need to review truck driving.