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CDL Training Near Atlanta

Attend an Atlanta Truck Driving School

In Atlanta, there are four schools you can attend to earn a diesel technology degree or truck driving license. The average cost of tuition is $2,242 and the average class has just 17 students. There are several schools that offer post-graduation job help, including America’s Driving Force. This school offers job counseling sessions and help with application submission. In fact, many schools today understand the importance of career assistance. Your training is just the beginning. And you want to be sure you start out on the right foot once you’re finished.

Consider Diesel Mechanic Schools in Atlanta

Atlanta Technical College offers multiple diesel technology options, including a diploma in diesel equipment technology, a diesel electrical systems technician certificate, and a diesel truck maintenance program. Most programs can be completed in two years or less. That’s the great thing about truck driver and diesel training: you don’t have to spend years in school to meet the qualifications.

Career Outlook for Atlanta Truckers

Living in Atlanta can be very affordable, since the cost of living is on par with the national average. Either as a diesel mechanic or truck driver, you can travel local highways like Interstate 285 and I-485. Local employers include Atlanta Cargo Transport and Con-Way. Many truck drivers in Atlanta earn above-average salaries. The citywide average for tractor-trailer drivers is $42,460, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Light truck drivers get an average of $35,210 per year (BLS, 2013).

Let’s find the right truck driver or diesel mechanic training for you! Contact the schools below to get started.

CDL Training Near Atlanta

America's Driving Force - Conley

Athens Technical College - Athens

Athens Technical College - Monroe

Atlanta Technical College - Atlanta

Atlanta Truck Driving School - East Point

Chattahoochee Technical College - Acworth

Georgia Driving Academy - Conyers

Georgia Northwestern Technical College - Rome

Georgia Piedmont Technical College - Lithonia

Georgia Piedmont Technical College - Clarkston

Katlaw Truck Driving School - Austell

Knight Transportation - Atlanta

Lanier Technical College - Hall

Millis Training Institute - Cartersville

North Georgia Technical College - Clarkesville

Roges Trucking School - Decataur

Schneider VTL Operating Point - Atlanta

Southern Crescent Technical College - Thomaston

Southern Crescent Technical College - Jackson

Swift Transportation - Waco

West Georgia Technical - LaGrange

West Georgia Technical College - Carrollton

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